Nails Inspiration Tips

Nails Inspiration Tips

Discover the Trending Styles of Cracked Nail Polish: Perfect for Edgy, Fashion-Forward Looks

Discover the Trending Styles of Cracked Nail Polish: Perfect for Edgy, Fashion-Forward Looks

Discover the Trending Styles of Cracked Nail Polish: Perfect for Edgy, Fashion-Forward Looks

Are you tired of your nail polish chipping off just days after you paint them? Do you find yourself frustrated with constantly having to touch up or remove and reapply polish? The answer to your problems may be cracked nail polish!

Think about it, why spend time and money on a manicure that will ultimately chip away when you can achieve the same edgy and trendy look with purposely cracked polish? Not only does it add a unique touch to your nails, but it also requires much less maintenance. Cracked nail polish is perfect for those who want to make a statement without sacrificing their time or wallet.

You don't have to be a professional to achieve this look either. Simply choose a base coat color and layer on top of it with a contrasting color. Then use a matte topcoat and while still wet, lightly press down with a bobby pin or toothpick to create cracks in the polish. Wait for it to dry and voila! You have a chic and easy-to-maintain look.

In conclusion, cracked nail polish is the solution for those who desire a stylish and low-maintenance manicure. Say goodbye to constant touch-ups and hello to a bold and distinctive look. Try it out for yourself and see the difference it can make.

Cracked Nail Polish
"Cracked Nail Polish" ~ bbaz


Cracked nail polish is every manicure lover’s nightmare. It can ruin the look you were trying to achieve with your perfectly done nails. No matter how good you take care of your nails, cracked nail polish can happen because of several reasons like applying too many coats, not allowing enough drying time, or using expired nail polish.

Causes of Cracked Nail Polish

There can be many reasons why your nail polish cracks after application. Below are the most common reasons:

  • Using Old Polish: If you're using an old nail polish bottle, it may have become thicker and harder over time, making it less flexible and more susceptible to cracking.
  • Not Allowing Enough Drying Time: If you don't allow your nail polish enough time to dry, it's more likely to crack when you apply pressure, such as when doing household chores.
  • Applying Too Many Coats: Overloading your nails with too many coats of polish can cause them to become heavy and brittle, leading to cracks and chips.
  • Using Low-Quality Polish: Low-quality polish typically lacks the necessary ingredients to maintain its moisture and flexibility, making it more prone to cracks and chips.

Solutions for Cracked Nail Polish

If you are frustrated with your nail polish cracking, there are some solutions that can help:

  • Use a Base Coat: A base coat will protect your nails from damage and prevent them from absorbing too much color, which can cause the polish to crack.
  • Thin Out Thick Polish: If your polish has become thick, add a few drops of nail polish thinner to make it more flexible and less likely to crack.
  • Avoid Applying Too Many Coats: Stick to 1-2 coats of polish to prevent overloading your nails with too much color.
  • Invest in High-Quality Polish: High-quality polish contains ingredients that maintain the moisture and flexibility of your nails, reducing the likelihood of cracks and chips.

How to Fix Cracked Nail Polish

If your nail polish has already cracked, don't worry - you can fix it! Here's how:

  1. Remove the Cracked Polish: Gently remove the cracked polish using a nail polish remover with acetone or alcohol
  2. Exfoliate and Moisturize: Exfoliate your nails to remove any dead skin cells and moisturize them to restore moisture.
  3. Apply Base Coat: Apply a base coat to protect your nails from further damage.
  4. Apply Your Nail Polish: Paint your nails with 1-2 thin coats of polish.
  5. Apply Top Coat: Finish off with a topcoat to seal in the color and prevent chipping and cracking.

Tips for Preventing Cracked Nail Polish

Finally, here are some tips to keep your nail polish looking fresh and crack-free for longer:

  • Use Water-Based Nail Polishes: These polishes are free of harmful chemicals that can cause nail damage and cracking.
  • Get Regular Manicures: Going to a salon for regular manicures can help prevent nail damage and cracking.
  • Protect Your Nails: Use gloves when doing household chores or heavy work to avoid putting undue pressure on your nails
  • Store Your Polish Properly: Store your nail polish in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat, to prevent it from becoming thick and brittle.
  • Avoid Biting Your Nails: Biting your nails or picking at them can cause damage and weaken them, making them more prone to cracking and chips.


Cracked nail polish can be frustrating, but with the right precautions and care, you can prevent and fix it. By following the tips above, you can keep your nails looking their best and avoid dreaded cracked nail polish.

Video Cracked Nail Polish

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Hello there! We hope you learned a lot from this blog post about cracked nail polish. Remember, this nail problem is something that can happen to anyone, but it doesn't mean you have to ignore your nails' health condition. Here are some things to keep in mind:

First, avoid wearing nail polish all the time. Your nails need to breathe to maintain their natural moisture and health, so make sure you give them a break every once in a while.

Second, apply a base coat before applying your nail polish. A base coat helps protect your nails, preventing your nail polish from chipping or breaking easily.

Last but not least, if you notice that your nail polish is starting to crack or peel, don't be afraid to remove it and give your nails a rest for a few days. During this time, you can apply a healing nail oil or cream to help nourish and strengthen your nails.

Remember, the key to healthy nails is proper care and maintenance. Don't hesitate to ask your nail technician or dermatologist for tips on how to keep your nails strong and beautiful.

We hope you found this blog post informative and helpful. Thank you for stopping by, and we wish you strong, healthy, and beautiful nails!


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